I hope you found everything you were looking for! Before filling out forms and sending off your booking, please get in touch about availability for the event. Once you've had confirmation that I am free, fill in as much of the form as you can.
Your video(s) may feature both dubbed and live licensed music depending on the corporate event or type of video. Due to copyright infringement laws you may be required to purchase a Video Licence. You have the option to supply your own Video Licence that you will need to send to me via email to keep on record, or I can purchase one on your behalf for £25.
When I have received your booking form, I will send you confirmation along with a invoice to pay your £100 deposit. I will be in touch with you two weeks before the event to organise a meeting. This will give us an opportunity run through the final details of the event, and give me the information to do the best possible job for you.